Donnerstag, 24. Dezember 2009

Back in Auckland

I am back in Auckland! Same Hostel, same room, same bed, different people. The trip was easy, but had a bad ending. To make it short, I have to buy a new tire. Julia is arriving on Sunday, that's a very good thing! We will stay in Auckland for some days and then hit the road to wherever she wants to go! And I think I'm going to Burger King or McDonalds now and buy a banana milkshake, I feel like I deserved it.
See ya later!

Mittwoch, 23. Dezember 2009

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

The title says all....

More People

First: Well, that's me I guess (a little twisted)
Second: Mr. Manuel Rösner
Third: Erik the Viking
Fourth: Alex the German


On demand of my brother, here you can see some people I'm hanging out with!
First: Shannon from the Frisbee team
Second: Kai
Third: Ernesto
Fourth: Elias (Sweden)
Fifth: Eric

Maraetotara Falls

We have finally made it to the waterfalls! After the waterfalls we went to Ocean Beach again, where we played some Frisbee and went swimming. The Maraetotara Falls are the waterfalls where you can jump off a tree which is like 6 metres above the water! I have been there with Eric, Ernesto (Mexican), Nils and Kai (guess where they're from). Look at this!
First: A sign
Second: The famous tree
Third: Pool at Maraetotara Falls
Fourth: Maraetotara Falls

Montag, 21. Dezember 2009

First night in my car

Tonight will be my first night in the car. Great! I have to get up at 5am and sleep on the passenger seat! Yeeha! -.- But I only pay 30$ until Friday.
I just wanted to tell you that.
I would love to read more comments, so write something please!

Samstag, 19. Dezember 2009

New Gadget!

As you can see, I have added a new gadget to my blog. It's the map on right side, so everybody can check where I am in New Zealand! Click on the map and you will be directed to a bigger image of the map and many more maps of New Zealand with further information about New Zealand!
I hope the map is useful!

Freitag, 18. Dezember 2009


I bought a car! Yes I did! It's a Subaru Legacy from 1995 for 2050$, which became 2400$ because of the auction and credit card fees.... The car is in a good condition, with four new wheels and a lot of horsepower (which I don't really need, but anyway....)! Thanks to my parents for giving me such a nice and useful gift for Christmas! I'm planning to sleep in the back of the car, so I will have to buy a sleeping bag and an air mattress. The trunk is not long enough for me, as I am - as you know - a tall guy, but I can cope with that. So here are some photos! Dan (a frisbee guy) just called me, he will pick me up in about half an hour, so I have to take a shower now! See you later!

Sonntag, 13. Dezember 2009

Tangoio Scenic Reserve

Hey hey!
Here are some photos of our trip to the Tangoio Falls! You can walk through the forest on a path along a stream, bath in a waterfall pool at Te Ana Falls and have a look at the Tangoio Falls.
That was really nice! We did not walk through the White Pine Bush, though. I don't know why, I wanted to!
First: Pool at Te Ana Falls
Second: Te Ana Falls
Third: Random rocks beside the stream
Fourth: Erik (left) and Alex lost in the forest
Fifth: Tangoio Falls
Sixth: Random rocks beside the stream pt. 2

Dienstag, 8. Dezember 2009

Working and comments

Hi folks!
Today at the Frisbee training Emily invited to me to her annual summer/Christmas/birthday party that is held every year (haha). That's cool! I'm looking forward to having some more "Kiwi contact", which is pretty hard to get when you're living in a hostel.
Anyways, the comments. Same reason and procedure as the last time.
The pretty blurry photo on which you can see the flat landscape is a photo of Hasings and close surroundings. The country gets really hilly when you get out of Hastings ^^
No the water is not warm, but I've been swimming nevertheless! You get used to the cold water pretty fast!
Okay, now some photos of the trees we've been working on (the small ones, 1$ per tree) and the tress we are working on at the moment (the big ones, 12$ per tree) The big ones suck!
On the other photo there are Micheal (a Korean guy) and me. He is not as tall as I am, I bent my knees... This photo was shot when we did bud rubbing the day after my birthday.
Alright, see you later!

Sonntag, 29. November 2009

Te Mata Peak

On saturday, me and Sofia and Daniel (Sweden) and Kaerie (Malaysia) were on the Te Mata peak. Te Mata peak is a peak near Havelock North, it is about 500 feet high (divide it by three and you've got metres). You have a nice view up there! I can give you an impression by uploading some more photos!

Kaikoura Beach

The weather was really good on sunday, so we decided to go to Kaikoura Beach. Nice waves, cold water and amazing scenery included! So here are some pictures of Kaikoura and some cloud formations we had the other day.

Donnerstag, 26. November 2009

Arbeit Arbeit! Part 2

Hi guys!
I have finally found permanent work. I'm doing apple thinning for the second biggest company in NZ. The job sucks, we get paid per tree, that means we really have to hurry up if we want to earn good money. Anyways, it is work and I get paid for it.
The Outdoor Frisbee season has started in the Hawkes Bay and guess where they are training! In Hastings, not far away from my hostel! So I will play with them every Tuesday from 5.30pm till whenever. The training starts directly after my work so I wil probably be tired as shit, but I'm gonna do that! There is a beach Ultimate tournament (in fact it is the biggest beach Ultimate tournament in NZ) in Nelson this weekend, called Flat Out (Michi posted it as a comment, too), but I can't afford going to Nelson and the entry fee is quite expensive, it's 70 Dollars! It's sad that I can't go there....
Yeah, what else is there to tell you about? I had Fish'n'Chips today, was pretty good and cheap, 5.50 Dollars. We wanted to go to a waterfall after work, but the driver of the car was afraid of sandflies, so we didn't. I don't know what we are doing tonight, probably we'll be hanging around at the hoste and have some beers.
Alrighty, that's it for today. Maybe I will upload photos next time, it takes bloody long...

Samstag, 21. November 2009

Hastings/Sleeping Giant Backpackers

Some photos of Hastings and the Sleeping Giant Backpackers
First: Heretaunga Street
Second: Davis Street
Third: The Sleeping Giant Backpackers
Fourth: My bed (the upper)
Fifth: Dining/Living Room


First of all I want to thank you guys for your gratulations! Thanks a lot!
We had a really good BBQ last night, with a Happy Birthday song in five different languages at the same time (German, Swedish, Malaysian, Spanish and French), which was very cool! The weather was also really good yesterday, but somehow I did not do anything than hanging around at the hostel... Since I went to work today I did not get too drunk, too, but it was a nice party anyway! That must sound like a pretty boring birthday to you and actually that is what it was! :D Anyway, I'm twenty now and that's the thing that matters in the end. (Yeah, whatever...)

The work today was hard and exhausting, except for the first part. We were on a grapevine field and did some wire pulling and bud rubbing. It's too hard to explain what we did exactly, so we'll just leave it like that.

I'm gonna upload some photos now!

Donnerstag, 19. November 2009


Today is the first anniversary of my 19. birthday, which means I'm turning 20, so we are having a BBQ! I will upload photos later, together with some photos of Hastings, the Ocean Beach and whatever!
See you soon

Sonntag, 15. November 2009


Since I am in a very international hostel, I have learned a lot of words for "Prost" and I thought that would be interesting to read. So I will try to write them down for you, but I'm not sure how they are spelled correctly, so I will just write them down how they sound like in German, or at least that's what I understood when they were said to me...
Here we go:

Skol! - Swedish
Sonté! - French
Kampai! - Japanese
Kampee! - Korean
Salut! - Spanish
Weri wea! - Samoa
Cheers! - English

Interesting, isn't it?

Here is the webadress of Nils' blog:
Very interesting and funny, too, and a lot more photos!

See you soon!


Hi guys!
Somehow I cannot post comments, so here are the answers to two of your comments!
The first one to Falco's comment on 14.11.:
Yes, Devonport is a part of Auckland. It's an old harbour village, we went there by ferry. And yes, there is ebb and flood. Actually I don't know exactly, but it looks like it ^^
Soon I will post some photos of Hastings and my hostel.

Alright, the second answer goes to the very awkward comment from an anonymous writer, I don't know when he (or she?) posted that comment:
Were you drunk?

So, there are answers!

Freitag, 13. November 2009


So jetzt gibts mal Bilder von Devonport!
And that's it, for now!

Dienstag, 10. November 2009

Arbeit Arbeit!

Moin moin!
Heute habe ich zum ersten Mal gearbeitet! Hey hey hooray! Ich zusammen mit ungef. 10 anderen Leuten über ein Zwiebelfeld gelatscht und habe Asparagus ausgerissen. Asparagus ist grüner Spargel, den die da nicht auf ihrem Zwiebelfeld haben wollen. Es awr ganz schön anstrengend und nervig auf die Dauer, dafür haben wir 13 Dollar in der Stunde gekriegt. Wir haben ungefähr 8 Stunden gearbeitet, rechnet euch selbst aus wieviel ads ist und zieht 22% Steuern ab. Soviel habe ich heute verdient ^^ Anscheinend können wir das morgen auch wieder machen, nur wahrscheinlich nicht so lange. Meine Hände sind ein wenig angeschwollen und tun weh, wenn ich eine Faust machen will, vom vielen fest Zugreifen und Ziehen :D
Wir haben heute Pancakes mit Ahornsirup gegessen, war lecker.
Morgen schließe ich dann mal meine Kamera an, dann gibts Bilder von der Busfahrt, wenn di nicht viel zu verschwommen sind...
Ich bin draußen wie Camping!

And now in English!
Today I worked the first time in Newzealand. Hey hey hooray! Together with around ten other guys I walked over an onionfield pulling green Asparagus out of the ground, which they do not want on their onionfield. It was quite exhausting and annoying, on the long run, but we earned 13 Dollars per hour. We have worked for about eight hours today, figure it out yourself, subtract 22% of taxes and that is how much I have earned today. It seems as if we can do that again tomorrow, but probably not as long as today. My hands are a bit swollen and are aching when I'm making a fist from all the heavy gripping and pulling :D
We ate pancakes with maple syrup today, yummy!
Tomorrow I will connect my camera to this computer to load up some more photos of the journey, if theyare not to blurry.
And I'm out!

Montag, 9. November 2009


So I finally made my way out of Auckland and straight to Hastings. On the journey I saw a bit of the landscape of Newzealand, it's amazing! It almost looks like in the movie Lord of the Rings!Has anyone seen that movie?
If you are wondering why I am suddenly writing in English, it's because my mother asked me to...
The weather is bad so the season to pick apples or to do whatever fruit-reletated job there is around Hastings will start later, approximately in one week. That sucks.
Hastings is a pretty boring town, at least that is my first impression. We'll see if that impression is right!
Come back to read more (maybe in English, maybe in German or even Swedish! And in colours!)

Sonntag, 8. November 2009

Der Trip zum Strand wurde abgesagt, weil zu schlechtes Wetter war -.- Dafuer war ich gestern mit Karl in Devonport und auf dem Mount Victoria. Habe auch Bilder gemacht (geile Aussicht!), aber die kann ich gerade nicht hochladen...
Morgen fahre ich mit Nils nach Hastings in der Hawke's Bay an der East Coast, dort gibt es ein Hostel, das einen zum arbeiten vermittelt und im Moment werden da ne Menge Leute gebraucht, weil jetzt die Apfelsaison losgeht. Ich werde also bald Aepfel pfluecken, oder Apfelbaeume beschneiden oder irgendwie sowas, ist auch egal, hauptsache Arbeit....
Gut, das wars dann mal wieder, melde mich dann wenn ich in Hastings bin!

Mittwoch, 4. November 2009

Washing session

Gestern waren wir waschen im Waschsalon und aus langer Weile habe ich ein paar Fotos geschossen. Die koennt ihr euch jetzt hier ansehen.

Karl in action
Nils am lesen
Selbstportraet die 2.
Karl the thirsty dog